Course Syllabus


Westwood Elementary PK-2

My Mission Statement: To fight childhood obesity.  I want to  continuously find ways to keep fitness contagiously fun. I hope to bring the community together through fitness and fun.


Reminders: Please make sure that all little superheroes wear the appropriate clothing and shoes for their PE days. If the young ladies wear dresses, please make sure that they wear shorts or leggings underneath.

DRESS: Any comfortable clothing is fine. Athletic shoes only! Therefore, all athletic shoes must have either laces or a strap to secure the shoe. We do not allow any slip on shoes.  If they do not have the right shoes, they are not allowed to participate in class and will have to sign our warning book. After 3 marks, for not wearing the right shoes for PE, a note will be sent home to remind parents to please send their child with the appropriate shoes or for class. 

Notes: If your child is ill or injured and needs to sit out one PE day, please make sure to write a note to excuse them for that day. If your child needs to sit out for two or more days, please turn in a medical professional note stating the reason. duration, and any limitations that they may have. 

Special dress days: On certain days we have themed dress days. On these days, Your child is still expected to wear the correct shoes to participate in PE. If it does not go with the outfit, please pack a pair of athletic shoes in their back pack. 

When in doubt: If we have a holiday and you are not sure what day they will have PE on, please put them in their athletic shoes or pack them in their back pack

Please understand that this is a participation based class. If your child does not participate I cannot give them a grade. 


Coach Romell
Classroom Expectations:

1. Do not touch PE equipment

2. Keep Hands, Feet and Objects to yourself

3. Treat others as you wish to be treated

1st-Verbal Warning
2nd-offense- Sign Warning Sheet
3rd-- Time out 5-8 minutes
4th- Total time out for the remainder of class
5th-- Parent Phone Call
6th-- Principal 

Time Out Rules:
1. Walk in assigned area
2. Hands, Feet, and Objects to Self
3. No Talking


Grading Rubric:
E=Exceeds expectations goes above and beyond.  He or She has never had to sign the warning book
S= participates and has done well, has signed the warning book no more than 3 times
N=Has had to sign the warning book 4 or more times, and does not participate fully. The teacher will send a notice home about behavior
U= No effort and refuses to participate with class and has signed the warning book as well as had a parent note sent home more than once.

If you have any questions, please email me or call.
We love our reward day! Lets shoot for being responsible and showing good character so that we can have our reward day. IF A STUDENT HAS THREE OR MORE MARKS FROM SIGNING THE WARNING BOOK,THEN THEY WILL HAVE TO MISS PARTIAL TIME ON REWARD DAY. 

How Long do I have to Stay Out if I sign the warning Book, for reward day?
First 2 signatures are free and they do not count against the student
3-4 times: miss 10 minutes of reward time
5-6 times: 15 minutes of reward time
7 or more: they miss all of reward day

Course Summary:

Date Details Due