Front Page

Welcome to 4th Grade at C. W. Cline Elementary

dji_aloha_aloha_c.png and Welcome to Mrs. Ulsh's 4th Grade Class! 

IMG_5096-1.jpeg                 Subject:  English Language Arts

                         Room:  C233

                         Conference period:  9:45 - 10:30




A Little About Me

My name is Angel Ulsh and this is my 16th year of teaching.  My family and I live in Friendswood. I have been married to Mr. Ulsh for 30 years. I have two daughters who are grown and work in banking.. During my free time, I love spending time with my family, playing games, cooking, and watching Astros baseball!

Another thing I love to do is read! It is my passion and what I love teaching the most. I hope that I can help my students come to love reading as much as I do!


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